
Everything Not Zen – Part I

Everything Not Zen: Finding Return Opportunities Amidst Renewed Market Volatility - Part I Let me tell you the story of Mr. Market. It is one all value investors know well, but for those of you who are unfamiliar, now is a great time to tell you about this fascinating man. Mr. Market is the mercurial character first introduced to us by the father of value investing, [...]

Everything Not Zen – Part I2022-08-17T20:20:13+01:00

Don’t Be A Warren Buffett Cover Band

Hoobastank, an American rock band, performs for service members and their families from across Okinawa on Kadena Air Base, Japan, Nov. 15, 2012. U.S. AIR FORCE PHOTO/STAFF SGT. SARA CSURILLA Ask ten value investors to describe what value investing is, and you will likely get a handful of somewhat similar answers. We look to buy companies for less than they are fundamentally worth…We invest [...]

Don’t Be A Warren Buffett Cover Band2021-10-04T22:22:25+01:00

How To Succeed When The Efficient Market Hypothesis Fails

Crowd PHOTO BY CHUTTERSNAP ON UNSPLASH In a lecture theatre at the University of Chicago in the spring of 1988, at an event dedicated to understanding Black Monday and the stock market crash of 1987, the behavioral economist Richard Thaler posed a question. The audience Thaler spoke to comprised some of the best known efficient market luminaries of the day, a group that ardently [...]

How To Succeed When The Efficient Market Hypothesis Fails2021-10-04T22:22:41+01:00
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